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Marine Litter Reduction


PROGRAMME 2014-2020 1st WEBDOC - Marine Litter Reduction

PROGRAMME 2014-2020 1st WEBDOC - Marine Litter Reduction

Marine litter webdoc showcases the projects and the actions put in place to reduce or eliminate the problem of the marine litter in different European basins.

The content was developed in collaboration with other maritime Programmes in Europe who have tackled the topic (source: and financed projects to develop innovative solutions related to the waste and marine microplastics. The webdoc was presented in occasion of EU Week of Regions and cities 2022 during the workshop organized by the Programme. The interview with the Minister Mr Caner is also available in order to acknowledge all the initiatives that the Veneto Region - as Managing Authority of the Programma Italy-Croatia but as well the MA of other mainstream Programmes financed by the Union - is carrying out in relation to address effectively this problem and find adequate solutions for mitigating it.