

FLC SEMINAR - October 16th - 2018

The MA and JS of Interreg V-A Italy–Croatia Cooperation Programme organized the Seminar for First Level Controllers that had been approved by the FLC Team of Veneto Region to carry out expenditure verification and certification of the Italian beneficiaries in the context of the Standard+ projects.

The seminar was held on 16th October 2018, at the premises of Villa Settembrini in Mestre (VE) - Via Giosuè Carducci, 32.


The Italian FLC team illustrated the checklist for the public procurement, while the Programme Financial manager and the MA representative explained the rules and National Eligibility guidelines related to the project expenditures eligibility for the Italian partners in the framework of the Italy-Croatia CBC Programme, as well as the main steps and tools in the expenditures reporting process.

Asset Publisher

Villa Settembrini Mestre - 16 October 2018

- Apertura lavori e Introduzione

- Principi di ammissibilità e linee guida per la rendicontazione delle spese

- Controlli di primo livello del Programma: Indicazioni generali e strumenti operativi

Villa Settembrini - 16 October 2018

- Sistema informativo SIU: dal primo accesso all’emissione del certificato

- Domande e risposte