High level conference "Anche tu sei la Protezione Civile" - High level conference "Anche tu sei la Protezione Civile" - FIRESPILL


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High level conference "Anche tu sei la Protezione Civile"

Published on 20/06/2023 (last modified 20/06/2023)


Jun 24, 2023 h.


Castilenti, TE


Convento di Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto

Uniting for Resilience: Honoring and Empowering Civil Protection Volunteers

On Jun 24, 2023, in Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto (Castilenti - Teramo) Consorzio Punto Europa presents “ANCHE TU SEI LA PROTEZIONE CIVILE”, an high level conference with exhibitions of Civil Protection vehicles and equipment, volunteers specialized field exercises and simulated interventions.

After extreme bad weather events occurred in May 2023 in Emilia Romagna region, hundreds of volunteers support people and communities affected by a series of floods in and around the main cities.

Firespill, the Interreg V-A Italia-Croazia project, aiming at the efficiency and coordination of interventions and organization of emergency services, honors and thanks the volunteers from the province of Teramo with the organization of a high level conference with authorities and testimonials.

Consorzio Punto Europa take the occasion to delivers awards to n.36 women and man belonging to local Civil Protection associations, that are “Associazione volontari di Protezione Civile Gran Sasso D’Italia”, “Corpo Volontari Protezione Civile” di Corropoli,  “Associazione volontariato di Protezione Civile CIVES” and “Croce verde” di Villarosa.