Korcula, Living Lab on destination management, tasks and opportunities - Korcula, Living Lab on destination management, tasks and opportunities - BLUTOURSYSTEM


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Korcula, Living Lab on destination management, tasks and opportunities.

Published on 06/06/2019 (last modified 04/07/2019)


Jun 06, 2019 h.



On 6 June 2019, a live laboratory was held in the municipality of Korcula as part of the BLUTOURSYSTEM project, organized by the project partner LAG5.

A Living Lab (LL) is a cross-border living laboratory that intends to act as a cross-border open space for networking, learning and peer training. The main topic of the living laboratory organized by LAG5 was the management of the destination: tasks and opportunities. Neda Telišman-Košuta, an expert of the Tourist Institute, led the event.

The BLUTOURSYSTEM project involved several stakeholders in this workshop of the Living Lab, representative of the public and private sector in the tourism sector. The purpose of this project is in fact to create a network and renew the way of involving key actors with different profiles, interests and priorities, implementing a human-centred process that will generate innovative ideas to support blue creative strategies and increase awareness of the community and new scenarios. This network will support the creation of the BLUETOURSYSTEM platform as an open innovation ecosystem, created specifically to support the growth of sustainable tourism in the CB area. The living laboratory, which will be organized in different locations, is an operational branch of the platform. The areas affected by the project in which the activities will take place involve three Adriatic regions (Veneto, Puglia and Istria) and three Split destinations and the cities of Dubrovnik and Venice.