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Cittadella- 3rd workshop to promote the ArTVision+ IT Platform

Published on 24/07/2019 (last modified 30/04/2020)

The promotion of concept through the workshops and promotional materials

ANTICHE MURA TEATRO theater festival, Cittadella (PD) - 11th June 2019


Veneto Region initiative promoting tourism through the prism of culture (Activity 3.4).

This is the third of three different workshops organized by Veneto Region to promote the ArTVision+ IT Platform, one of the main project instrument to facilitate the connection between touristic and cultural stakeholder.


The event has been hosted by Antiche Mura Teatro festival in Cittadella the 11th June.

During the event Veneto Region and Ca’Foscari University of Venice introduced ArTVision+ project goals and activities and presented the project IT platform and its functioning. The event closed with a performance by Teatro Bresci with the comedy “Amori capricci e bizzarrie ai tempi della Serenissima”.

For the photo gallery click here.