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D 2.4.1 2nd Crossborder seminar: “Accessible tourism market and promotional strategies”

Published on 07/07/2021 (last modified 28/03/2022)

Wednesday, 14th July 2021, from 11:00 to 13:00

Experts, stakeholders and partners participating in the seminar will try to give a comprehensive overview of the accessible tourism market and the specifics of its promotional approach, in order to reach potential tourists from various market segments, with an emphasis on the accessible tourism market and the development of a transnational network of tourist services and destinations.

The understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, as well as the definition of various promotional activities is especially important now, when world’s paradigms have changed in a significant manner, due to the pandemic which had a major impact on the tourism industry.
During the seminar, panelists will present their own experiences, best practices and guidelines for the accessibility of tourist facilities, which will be useful for the start-up, development and fine-tuning of future activities in this field.

The seminar should incentivize the exchange of experiences and encourage an open dialog among all participants, in order to propose some new ideas and solutions, which should give an additional boost to the development of accessible tourism.