Asset Publisher


Published on 23/11/2021 (last modified 23/11/2021)

The performance Different waves, produced by the project Soundscape using the hydrophones recording, was played on October 23th in Venice.

For is the third time the performance Different waves, produced by the project Soundscape using the hydrophones recording, was played by Emiliano Battistini and Fabio Mina, and the first time with the excellent visual contribution of Mattia Fornaciari.

Fondazione Cetacea organized it in Venice on October 23th with the collaboration of Cnr-Ismar Istituto di Scienze Marine, Science Gallery Venice, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Distretto Veneziano della Ricerca e dell'Innovazione. We are very grateful to everyone for the result!

Here the short video of the performance