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Info day and visit tour

Published on 13/01/2023 (last modified 26/01/2023)


Nov 03, 2022 h.



Info day and visit tour- 11/03/2022

In the first part of the Scientific Meeting, three completed Interreg projects were presented, from which the SeCure project emerged, and in the second part, world-renowned Croatian scientists gave lectures based on their research and findings related to climate change both in Croatia and in the Neretva delta. Since climate change is a broad issue affecting many sectors, the aim of these scientific lectures was to provide information for discussion and to point out the links between climate change and the environment ranging from damage to the economy to the loss of biodiversity, and to propose guidelines for adaptation and mitigation of their effects.

After the end of the meeting, bus transportation was organized for all interested participants from Metković to the measuring stations at the locations - the confluence of the Neretva and Jasenska. These are measuring stations that were set up as part of the MoST project in areas that are recognized as highly endangered by the harmful effects of seawater, and where regular field testing of salinity and other parameters of surface and underground water is carried out.

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