NETWAP final conference - NETWAP

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NETwork of small "in situ" WAste Prevention and management initiatives






€ 1.480.153,25


3.3: Improve the environmental quality conditions of the sea and coastal area by use of sustainable and innovative technologies and approaches


City of Zadar


General Public

Local, regional and national public authorities

SME and business supporting organizations


NETWAP project will generate a set of guidelines for national and local governments, that will help
them implement, based on the practical experiences with pilot actions,new methodologies in the field of sustainable waste management, with particular attention to the local and community dimension. These guidelines will be released in the form of a position paper including elements on how to set up the regulatory requirements in each territory, for the application of economic management models and
environmentally sustainable procedures. In addition, there will be references on how to
establish, starting from the analysis on economic sustainability, funding mechanisms
to sustain economically the management models.

F&F – netwap





City of Zadar


Zadar - Croatia

City of Zadar is a local self-government unit, with the administrative area that includes the city of Zadar, 4 nearby settlements and 7 islands. The mission is a responsible and efficient management of public affairs and transparent work of the city government in accordance with interests and needs of citizens. The City is active participant in transnational and cross-border cooperation with a long tradition of cooperation with numerous foreign local governments and international organizations.

Contact person: Josip Milić



ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. It is a public body aimed at scientific research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises and public administration in the sectors of energy and sustainable economic development. ENEA has qualified personnel, laboratories, experimental facilities for the realization of projects and studies to contribute to the competitiveness of the economic system

Contact person: Lorenzo Cafiero



Čistoća Ltd

Čistoća l.t.d. is an institution for maintaining the public cleanliness of the city of Zadar by waste management. It started working on 1.1.1954. with the aim of maintaining public cleanliness and enforcing regulations related to it, monitoring, discussing and resolving any issues of interest for the promotion of public cleanliness. Čistoća l.t.d. for a number of years manages public and other waste materials in the area, aiming to improve the living conditions of citizens in the region.

Contact person: Davor Govorčin



Molise Towards 2000

The local action group Molise Verso il 2000 scarl is a evelopment agency that works to support and promote sustainable rural development, the promotion of economic, social, business and employment in the Molise region in line with the objectives of the EU and of the national, regional and local government development plans.

Contact person: Adolfo Colagiovanni



Fenice Foundation

Fondazione Fenice manages the Green Energy Park, in Padova, Italy, a didactic park for renewable energies to empower sustainable and responsible behaviors among entrepreneurs, public administrators, educational institutions, associations and citizens. Fenice mission is: - promoting of alternative energy sources knowledge and use; - building innovative models and projects on sustainable development; - creating educational path on energy and environment for families, schools and companies

Contact person: Francesco Pulejo



Regional Union of the Chambers of Commerce of Veneto

Unioncamere del Veneto represents Veneto's 5 Chambers of Commerce and hosts Eurosportello del Veneto, an information and assistance office that provides services and help to its business community in the EU market. It is a partner of EEN, the world largest business support network. Main tasks of UCV include design and implementation of activities in favour of economic development, SMEs internationalization, consumer protection etc. Eurosportello coordinates Friend Europe, one of 5 Italian EEN.

Contact person: Stefania De Santi



Ruđer Bošković Institute

The Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI) is regarded as Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research. The mission of the RBI’s Division for Marine and Environmental Research is excellence in the fundamental and applied research of environmental systems, processes and states. The goal is to contribute to optimum environmental management for the benefit of Croatia and the world.

Contact person: Vanja Komljenović Lončar



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Asset Publisher


Here all the documents.

Deliverable 3.1.1. Definition of a common collection methodology

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.62 Mb)

D.3.2.1 Regional reports on actual waste management situation_Ist and Fossalto

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.04 Mb)

D.3.2.1 Regional report on actual waste management situation_Ist and Campomarino

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.5 Mb)

D.3.3.1 High level policy strategic dialogue in each project’s territory

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.22 Mb)

D.3.4.1 Definition of common framework methodology on a waste management in small communities

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.07 Mb)

D.3.4.2 Governance model for a permanent technical coordination in Cooperation region

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.05 Mb)

D.3.4.3 Waste Management Methodology for Small communities

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.23 Mb)

D.4.1.1 Capacity building program

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (0.92 Mb)

D.4.1.4 Awareness raising activities plan and support material

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (0.83 Mb)

D.4.2.1; D.4.2.2; D.4.2.3 Capacity building in both countries’ areas for economic actors, local authorities and technicians/Awareness activities within project’s area

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.01 Mb)

D 4.3.1 and D 4.3.2 Set up of cross border cooperation network of technicians, local authorities and politicians

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.23 Mb)

D.5.1.1 Neighbourhood composting systems in Fossalto (Italy) and Ist Island (Croatia)

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (0.69 Mb)

D.5.1.2 Definition of targeted areas and agreements with local authorities to distribute biobased plastic bags in replacement of plastic shoppers

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.48 Mb)

D.5.2.1 Final reports regarding sustainability and replicability of the pilot actions

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (2.48 Mb)

D.5.2.2 Final evaluation report with a comparative analysis of the results in both territories

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.38 Mb)

D.5.2.3 Final event of results sharing

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.43 Mb)

D.5.3.1 Position paper on NETWAP Methodology

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.7 Mb)

D.5.3.2 Action plan for the implementation of the Sustainable Organic and Plastic waste Methodology

PUBLISHED ON 28/04/2022
PDF (1.98 Mb)

NETWAP poster EN

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (0.84 Mb)

NETWAP poster HR

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (0.84 Mb)

NETWAP poster IT

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (0.84 Mb)

D.2.1.1 Kick off meeting report

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.31 Mb)

D.2.4.1 Regional Conference in Zadar

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.21 Mb)

D.2.4.1 Regional Conference in Fossalto

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.2 Mb)

D.2.4.2 International final conference

PUBLISHED ON 19/04/2022
PDF (0.2 Mb)

D.2.5.2 Brochure_EN

PUBLISHED ON 24/01/2022
PDF (1.47 Mb)

D.2.5.2 Brochure_HR

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (1.48 Mb)

D.2.5.2 Brochure_IT

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (1.47 Mb)

NETWAP roll up EN

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (1.44 Mb)

NETWAP roll up HR

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (1.45 Mb)

NETWAP roll up IT

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (1.44 Mb)

D.2.3.1 Infographics on a leaflet

PUBLISHED ON 26/01/2022
PDF (4.3 Mb)

D.2.3.2 Final publication of Layman’s report

PUBLISHED ON 29/03/2022
PDF (2.32 Mb)



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