Events - Events - Joint_SECAP

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2nd International Workshop of Joint_SECAP project: Actions for climate change adaptation

Published on 23/04/2021 (last modified 23/04/2021)


Apr 23, 2021 h.

Join us for the Second International Workshop of Joint_SECAP project that will be held on 29th of April.

Dear All,

We would like to invite You for the Second International Workshop of project Joint_SECAP, part of the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme: Actions for climate change adaptation which will be held online via ZOOM platform. Projects PentaHelix and South Eastern Europe Energy Transition Dialogue - SEEETD will participate in the workshop.

The workshop will be held on 29th of April 2021 between 10:00 and 13:15 and You can see the detailed agenda in the attachment


You can register for the ZOOM webinar on the following link:

We are looking forward to seeing You,

Joint_SECAP project