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Kick Off Meeting was held in Monfalcone

Published on 17/10/2022 (last modified 17/10/2022)

Representatives of all project partners and external experts have gathered in Monfalcone for the Kick-Off meeting of the HATCH project.

The Kick-Off meeting was held on the 6th October 2022, in Museo della cantieristica, Monfalcone. Over 20 representatives from all project partner organizations and external experts have met and discussed the objectives and activities of the HATCH project.  Besides management of project's activities, a lots of thought was put into the development and promotion of the main project outputs, most notably conceptualization of Work Package 3 documents. As HATCH is a capitalization project, the discussion revolved around the theme of how to integrate and harmonize the results from the Standard projects and make them useful for data-driven decision making in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).

Overall, the conclusion is that a lot of work is ahead of us, however there is no lack of motivation as everyone involved is contributing to the mutual goal - contribution to conservation of the Adriatic Sea.

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