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CAFC AdSWiM activities in an article of SoleVerde Magazine

Published on 10/10/2019 (last modified 19/10/2021)

October 18. A new article has been published on SoleVerde, a bimonthly Magazine of the Regional newspaper Il Paîs thanks to our Adswim partner CAFC Spa, one of the largest water public service companies in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

The article presents the Adswim project activities and the involvement with the territory of the FriuliVeneziaGiulia Region and in particular the experience with the schools and students through labs and guided visits.  The partner considers the experience very positive in particular the fact of being part of an operational and management network, not only to harmonize water treatment policies but also to apply innovative monitoring technologies and common management practices related to wastewater treatment and DPs.



To se the article online: SOLEVERDE.


CAFC S.p.A. is one of the largest public service companies in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, thanks also to the processes of incorporation of the activities of the Consorzio Depurazione Laguna, of the water branch of the City of Udine of AMGA S.p.A. and Carniacque S.p.A., with 122 Member Municipalities, the Mountain Community of Carnia and the U.T.I. del Gemonese and a large infrastructural network, for the management of the Integrated Water Service.