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AdSWiM project at the Festival dell’Acqua in Venice

Published on 27/09/2019 (last modified 05/01/2020)


Oct 10, 2019 h.9.00


Nov 11, 2019 h.18.00




Giovanni Paolo II, Parrocchia di Santa Maria Formosa – Venezia, next to the Querini Stampalia Foundation, Campo Santa Maria Formosa Castello 5252, Venice. 


Sabina Susmel, University of Udine

Adswim researches are presenting the project to the public of Festival dell’Acqua (Water Festival) on October 10 in Venice  with the awareness campaign “Do you Sea? Because the Sea matters. “

Two days of debate on the theme of water, at the Festival dell’Acqua promoted by Utilitalia in collaboration with Veritas to be held at the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice on October 10 and 11.  The Festival is biennial and for this fifth edition Venice, the city of water par excellence, was chosen as location.  

For two days, Venice will summon approximately 500 companies associated to Utilitalia and all the subjects that take care of water services and public utility in Italy and in Europe. The main themes that will be developed during the festival are technological innovation in the field of water management, the importance of purification, emergency management and water service reform and consumption measurement.

Our researches from University of Udine and INOGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics) from Trieste will be presented during the Festival with their new awareness Campaign and with a project stand  in the hall Giovanni Paolo II, Parrocchia di Santa Maria Formosa – Venezia, next to the Querini Stampalia Foundation.

“We have chosen a different way to present a difficult theme such as marine and coastal pollution and the waste water management.” Explains arch. Agnese Presotto from Municipality of Udine that is coordinating the communication activities of the project. She continues: “The project  investigates new treatments, new analytical devices and new chemical and microbiological parameters of the waste water. We are examing the level of nutrients, pollutants, fecal bacteria near the marine discharges and depuration plants by sampling, testing, analyzing and comparing the data. In order to empower the efficiency of the AdSWiM research outputs, we will define new Adriatic  guidelines and a common measurement model for more efficient wastewater treatment management."

She concludes with one of the project slogan: “The Adriatic Sea is one - its care belongs to everyone.”