WORLD Oceans Day: Because our Sea matters. - AdSWiM


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WORLD Oceans Day: Because our Sea matters.

Published on 11/04/2020 (last modified 08/06/2020)

Split, June 8.  This World Oceans Day2020 theme is innovation for a Sustainable Ocean. We have an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and the seas and our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably.  

The waters of the Adriatic on both the Italian and Croatian sides are mainly classified as waters of excellent or good quality (95-96%), there are still critical issues in some heavily populated areas or near river estuaries. The effort of this project is to participate in maintaining the current quality characteristics of marine waters and to try to improve them by working together with depuration plants to identify new treatment systems, analysis and possibly new parameters or indicators for carrying out checks (chemical- microbiological) as early diagnosis.  The AdSWiM technicians of the Wastewater Management Department will share knowledge and experience with partners to facilitate the process of meeting the requirements of Water Framework Directives and will define joint Model of wastewater management

“One of our goals is also to inform and to educate citizens on the proper use of water and how to preserve the Adriatic sustainably as well, “explains Boris Bulović, the EU funds specialist of the Split Water and Sewerage Company Ltd (Vodovod I Kanalizacija d.o.o.Split) that is a public company responsible for managing public water supply and wastewater drainage of Split and 10 surrounding municipalities.  He continues: “In relation to our project awareness Campaign “DO YOU SEA? (Živiš li more?) we have printed on the May water consumption invoices back the central Image of the project campaign with some recommendations on keeping the environment clean. This invoices are going to be delivered today to 100.130 addresses to the consumers in 4 cities (Split, Solin, Kaštela, Trogir) and 9 municipalities (Podstrana, Marina, Okrug, Seget, Klis, Muć, Dugopolje, Lećevica and Šolta). That includes almost 350.000 inhabitants.

“With the Split’s invoice our Awareness campaign is also changing the testimonial: "The Woman on the Cactus Sea mattress" gives up her role to “The Man on the Sea Mattress,” explains amused Agnese Pressoto of the Municipality of Udine that is responsible for the Project communication. “It was important to start the Awareness Campaign with a woman's image as most of our colleagues are women and we wanted to put attention also on the role of the STEM. But our campaign will include all citizens, because our Sea matters. "

 As our claim says: “The Sea is one, but its care belongs to everybody.