Lets’ celebrate together the World Oceans Day! - AdSWiM


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Lets’ celebrate together the World Ocean Day!

Published on 07/04/2020 (last modified 08/06/2020)

On the occasion of the World Oceans Day, and as part of the implementation of educational activities of the Interreg project AdSWiM - Managed use of treated urban wastewater for the quality of the Adriatic Sea, a didactic laboratory for children was held on the city beach Jadran in Zadar.

Employees of the Department of Health Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Zadar Institute of Public Health, in cooperation with the project partner Split Water and Sewerage Company Ltd (Vodovod i kanalizacija Split), tried to bring the value and importance of preserving the quality of the Adriatic Sea closer to the youngest residents of our city with story, joint practical work related to wastewater treatment methods with simple experiments, games and socializing.

As part of the activities, children experienced a visual demonstration of a simple way of wastewater treatment (filtration), learned about the importance of economical use of drinking running water, reducing pollution, recycling and/or reusing of non-degradable materials and learnt about various plants and animal species living in Adriatic and in the coastal areas.

The children also made the Zadar "sea postcard" to say to the adults how much the sea means to them, explained Anita Vucić, engineer of the Department of Environmental and Marine Protection and  Jelena Ćosić Dukić, the Head of Department for Procurement and EU Projects of  The Institute of Public Health of Zadar (IPHZ).  The IPHZ is a modern institution that performs public health activities in the area of ​​Zadar County.