Following the water: Festival dell’Acqua (Water Festival) from Bressanone (MI) to Venice - AdSWiM


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Following the water: Festival dell’Acqua (Water Festival) from Bressanone (MI) to Venice

Published on 10/10/2019 (last modified 24/03/2020)

From technological innovation in the field of water management to the importance of purification, emergency management and consumption measurement. These are the main themes around which the Water Festival will develop, an event conceived and promoted by Utilitalia in collaboration with Veritas, which after Bressanone Festival in May returns to the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice on 10 and 11 October.

Venice hosts the “Festival of Acqua - the Water Festival" for two days in October, an event organized by Utilitalia and the Veritas spa lagoon multiutility. The initiative brings together over 150 speakers and representatives of the 500 Italian companies associated with Utilitalia, the Federation of Water, environmental and Energy Companies and all those representatives involved in water and public utility services. The Festival is held every two years and is divided into two parts, based on the idea to follow the blue water line, starting from the Dolomites and arriving in the Veneto capital:

  • the first part that was held last May in Bressanone where the theme of the "upstream" water cycle has been addressed,

  • The second part that is held in Venice where issues concerning "downstream" water are presented.

From the purification of wastewaters to the use of predictive logic to contain energy consumption and improve the quality of wastewater after leaving the depuration plant, up to a BioPlatform that combines waste-to-energy plants and purifiers: these are some of the best Italian practices that will be presented at the Festival. The two-day program includes a presence of national and international speakers, scientists, and industry experts and Adswim project scientists. There will be a session on participatory governance and organizational models, after the "Galli Law", which 25 years ago has started a profound reform of the water service based on an industrial approach in the management of the integrated water cycle. Among other things, the program foresees a meeting on the role of water services in the field of international solidarity, with the participation of representatives of the FAO, the International Water Association and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. Moreover, the festival will talk about emergency management due to increasingly extreme climatic phenomena, new scenarios in the measure of water volumes and flows, and circular economy with the recovery of material and energy from the water service.

For more information, check the programme.

Here is the promotional spot: