An exploratory visit to the Udine treatment plant with CAFC - AdSWiM


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An exploratory visit to the Udine treatment plant with CAFC

Published on 10/10/2019 (last modified 10/03/2021)

March 9. Nicola De Bortoli, Engineer of CAFC Spa, one of the largest water public service companies in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and  Leopoldo Coen, Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Udine at the Department of Legal Sciences, did yesterday an exploratory visit to the Udine treatment plant.

The visit is part of the WP5 Adswim project activities that deal with the investigation on the cross-borders DPs technologies, management strategies, transfer of knowledge. A survey has been made on cross-borders DPs involved in the project: technologies and, in general, the management of WWT plants meet specific territorial needs and the presence of "hot spots" with the highest risks of coastal pollution have been highlighted. Each plant has different characteristics due to different reference territorial context and different types and sizes of the affected area and also due to the different policies used for the reuse of purified waters. The implementation of project issues (microbiological control, nutrient and pollutant content) needs verification of practical and administrative feasibility.


Prof. Coen is specialised in Environmental and Urban planning and procurement and is collaborating with Municipality of Udine and GIULIA MANZAN, councillor for Territorial Planning and European Projects, in coooperation with the offices of the Environmental Policies and Energy Management Agency.  They are working on the joint and shared cross-borders strategy of WWT plant management and legislative action proposal together with the Italian and Croatian partners involved (Municipality of Udine, Municipality of Pescara, CAFC ltd, VIK Split ,PHI, and with the University fo Split - FGAG - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split).


The common document developed will include the definition of a set of shared policy in water management and quality. This result can be obtained from comparison between legislative framework to the programming documents at local, regional, national and Community levels in order to extrapolate and compare rules and objectives. The normative and programmatic framework, alongside the synthesis of risks and weakness identified during the project, are the elements that allow all PPs to formulate, jointly and with the involvement of target groups, common cross-border goals in water-related issues with a short- medium term vision.

The strategy will be completed with the joint elaboration of proposals for legislative action by the send half of the year 2021. Realization of training modules aiming to disseminate the project results and knowledge will follow. Stay tuned! 


CAFC S.p.A. is one of the largest public service companies in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, thanks also to the processes of incorporation of the activities of the Consorzio Depurazione Laguna, of the water branch of the City of Udine of AMGA S.p.A. and Carniacque S.p.A., with 122 Member Municipalities, the Mountain Community of Carnia and the U.T.I. del Gemonese and a large infrastructural network, for the management of the Integrated Water Service.