Adswim Labs for citizens in Senigallia with Polytechnic University of Marche and Summer Camps Jump - AdSWiM


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Adswim Labs for citizens in Senigallia with Polytechnic University of Marche and Summer Camps Jump

Published on 16/08/2021 (last modified 12/09/2021)

On September 9 Adswim Labs were organised in Senigallia (Marche Region, Italy) thanks to the collaboration of the Polytechnic University of Marche and Summer Camps Jump. 18 primary school kids and their families were involved in two different labs to learn more about the wastewater management and depuration plants, water monitoring, protection and quality.

After the success of labs organised in August, the Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA) with the precious collaboration of the Summer Camps Jumps, organised new labs for kids and families on the beach of Senigallia, very well-known touristic centre that rises on the mid-Adriatic coast at the mouth of the Misa river, about 35 km from Ancona, heading south, and about 30 km from Pesaro, heading north.

With the help of the professor Anna Annibaldi and the operators of TRACELAB of the the Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA, the kids were able to participate actively in two Adswim labs. The first lab was focused on wastewater management and the functioning of a depuration plant, with a construction of mini depuration plant in order to understand the process of water depuration.

The second lab was focused on the water monitoring and the water pH characteristics. They did some experiments with the Cabbage (yes our new hero!) used as the acidity indicator in order to identify the water pH. They explore the use of a pH meter to measure pH levels in the water. The operators explained the pH scale to the kids: “it runs from 0 to 14 and measures the acid or base quality of water. A pH of 7 is neutral, while a reading below 7 is acidic, and one above 7 is alkaline or basic. Water quality depends on proper pH levels. In acidic water, for example, toxic heavy metals dissolve easily and are more harmful to living things. The pH level also affects the availability of essential plant nutrients, with many nutrients being less available at a pH above 7.”

Optimal pH levels are an essential factor in maintaining water quality and healthy ecosystems. Accurate pH testing helps keep drinking water and groundwater safe and helps protect aquatic plants and animals.

The kids and their families were very happy about the labs  and also about the educational AdSWiM kits (bags, towels, leaflets, notepads, drinking bottles). 

Well done! 

The Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA) is a University structure of excellence that was born in 2011 from the merger of numerous laboratories involved in a wide range of theoretical and applied research topics. Linked to the environment and the marine ecosystem, it sees the participation of over 100 scientists and technicians with highly interdisciplinary skills. AdSWiM involves the Environmental Analytical Chemistry group that evaluates the quality of coastal and marine ecosystems and propose innovative descriptors and new reference models. The researchers have been measuring the level of nutrients and trace elements in sea water for about three years to assess the pollution of the Adriatic. Their experience in statistical analysis helps identifying multiple environmental stressors that affect the variability of those ecosystems.

TraCE Lab - Trace Contaminants in the Environment (air, soil, water and food) is one of DiSVA's lab.