
Asset Publisher

Project Website User Manual - ver. 1.7 - 22/03/2022

Updated on :02/05/2022

This manual is dedicated to the designated project web-content administrators as it provides the technical and practical information for the uploading the materials and generally content curation and feeding on each project website from the backend.

Before starting the operations on the backend, each of the project webcontent administrators should read all in detail the manual in order to be able to operate properly and ensure the correct visibility of the content on the frontend of the project website.

For any functional trouble shootings and lack of features functioning. The Programme dedicated help desk has been activated and the following e-mail:  is now available for any technical support.

Summarizing your mail addressed to the Help desk should be composed as follows:

Object: Italy-Croatia S69A, Project [Acronym]

Body of your mail: Clear and synthetic description of the problem encountered

Attachment: One or more screenshot(s)



Please note:

    Italian web-content administrators may write in Italian language
    Croatian web-content administrators may write in English language (please keep it simple and synthetic)